Il Design come vettore di Innovazione nel settore del Food e dell’Hospitality
Seminario FCSI Italia – HOST Milano 2021
Dott. Paolo Barichella
Claudio Val De Tara (Rhea Vendors)
Alessio Decina
Design as a vector of Innovation in the Food and Hospitality sector
Seminar FCSI Italy – HOST Milan 2021
Dott. Paolo Barichella
Claudio Val De Tara (Rhea Vendors)
Alessio Decina
Dott. Paolo Barichella
Paolo Barichella is an Executive Food Design Advisor. Theorist and specialist consultant in Food Design since 2002, he is operative director in Strategic Design Management, Sensory Design, Concept Creation of Lifestyles and Experience. He has developed high-profitability plans for Industries, Food Format, Products and Store. Paolo was born in Milan (Italy) in 1969. Following his Industrial Design studies, he pursued a career in communication strategy particularly related to the theory and philosophy of Food Design, web development, as journalist and writer, as lecturer and didactic consultant. During his career, Paolo Barichella has developed and consolidated significant experience in the food technology chain and its processes, in combination with design, sensory and engineering. Through in-depth studying and research in the field of Food Design, today Paolo Barichella is one of the most renowned international opinion-leaders in this area, often invited to participate and contribute a
Claudio Valdetara
After working in a variety of industries and founding companies of my own that are fueled by innovation and driven by creative problem-solving – from ad production and media to automatic retailing to big data and digital marketing – I’ve learned that it all boils down to three things: thinking outside the box, connecting with other creative minds, and making things happen rather than letting them happen. I have been accused of being an “incurable optimist”, and I suppose that is true. At the very least, I am an idealist, since I passionately believe that innovation and creativity are best used to build a better future.