Il Cibo nel Futuro. Produzione Consumo e Socialità

Seminario FCSI Italia – HOST Milano 2021

Prof. Paolo Corvo
Prof. Michele Filippo Fontefrancesco

Massimo Artorige Giubilesi

Food in the Future. Production Consumption and Sociality

Seminar FCSI Italy – HOST Milan 2021


Prof. Paolo Corvo
Prof. Michele Filippo Fontefrancesco

Massimo Artorige Giubilesi

Prof. Paolo Corvo
Researcher in SPS 07 in University of Gastronomic Sciences Teacher of Sociology of Consumption and Tourism, General and Territorial Sociology, Methods of Social Research applied to Territory (from 2008-09); of Methodology of Research (from 2013-2014)in University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo (Bra – Cn) Teacher of General Sociology (from 2009-2010 until 2010-11), Institutes of Sociology (from 2005-06 until 2008-09) and Sociology of Tourism (from 2002-03 until 2008-09) in Catholic University of Brescia Teacher in Sociology of Tourism in Catholic University of Milan (from 2004-05 until 2007-08) Teacher of Social Policy in Catholic University of Piacenza (2001-2004) 1996 -2008 Consultant for Department of Sociology of Catholic University and for others Public Institutions and Research Centres (European Union, Lombardy Region, Cariplo-Ismu Foundation, Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Isfol, ACLI) 1996-2002 Seminar: “Society of information and globalisation” in Department of Sociology

Prof. Michele Filippo Fontefrancesco
Social anthropologist specialized in economic and food anthropology with over 15 years of experience in teaching in higher education. Committed to supporting entrepreneurs and the new generation in learning new skills needed for achieving sustainable growth and success. Strong experience in market analysis and social research in Europe and Africa

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