Disciplinari per la Food Defense e la Salubrità Ambientale

Seminario FCSI Italia – HOST Milano 2021

Dott. Marco Gerevini (Tecnoalimenti)
Dott. Alessio Decina (Giubilesi & Associati)

Massimo Artorige Giubilesi

Food Defence and Environmental Health Specifications

Seminar FCSI Italy – HOST Milan 2021

Dott. Marco Gerevini (Tecnoalimenti)
Dott. Alessio Decina (Giubilesi & Associati)

Massimo Artorige Giubilesi

Dott. Marco Gerevini – Innovation Manager of Tecnoalimenti. Responsable of creation and managment of Europen R&D projects in the agro-food chain. Expert in technology intermediation and the scouting activities of innovative solutions for the agrofood sector. Preventive Controls Qualified Individual and Food Defense Lead Instructor (FSPCA certificated) for the US exports. AIB International Certified “Food Defence Coordinator” – Tampa (US), PCQI and FSMA-IA Qualifed Experts. Developer of the 1st European Certification Standard for the Management of Food Defense for the Public Catering Operators

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